DIY Dog Costume Tips for Halloween - Gaines Family Farmstead

DIY Dog Costume Tips for Halloween

DIY Dog Costume Tips for Halloween

Halloween is right around the corner and it is time to celebrate, but not without your fur baby. Our four-legged friends make dressing up even more exciting. Single or not, dress your most loyal and furry partner up in something that will win you some extra candy or a free brew at a local festival!

Tips for Choosing A Costume for Your Pup:

All pups are different…including their personalities. Make sure you think about your dog’s personality when deciding on the perfect costume.

  • Opposite Style: Dress your pup in something notoriously known for being large if you have a small love. Pick a costume for your giant best friend that has to do with tiny animals or characters. What could make someone laugh harder than a Teacup Poodle in a lion outfit or a Great Dane in a mouse costume?
  • Same Style: Another option is to dress your pup identical to his/her furry personality. If you have a hyper friend, dress them as a hyper character from a movie or show. On the flip side, if you have an older pup, consider a funny slow moving character.
  • Matching Style: Look up several couples costumes and find the one that matches you and your pooch’s relationship. Batman and Robin may not cut it this year people…think outside of the box!
Checkout these amazing DIY costumes!


Obvious Safety Tips:

  • Use things around the house that your pup may already be familiar with. An unfamiliar smell may bother the dog and further frustrate the costume wearing. We’ve all seen dogs lose the contest when they paw their hat off at the last minute. Don’t let this be you! 
  • Make sure that nowhere on your beautiful DIY costume appears itchy or an irritating fabric. Many dog breeds have sensitive skin, so make sure your dress up partner doesn’t have to miss the party to scratch all night.
  • Finally, make sure your dog’s mouth and/or eyes are not covered at any point. This could lead to an early end to Halloween night and who wants that?

Dress Your Pup and Send Us a Picture @GainesFamilyFarmstead on Instagram!